Thursday, September 2, 2010








能成为主的孩子真美妙!为了让孩子更意识到这恩宠, 这个营将带领学生以不一样的方式认识天主。 通过一起的生活及体验,学生们将受到正确的信仰与道德观

1. 壁报


2. 环保


3. 故事教训

委员们负责的演出。拥有教训的喜剧里有几次的中断, 让学生思考如何选择下一步。 这能教导学生分辨是非,独立思考并把道德应用在生活中。

4. 耶稣之路


5. 讲座

a. 学生讲座

讲座会配合主日学五年级的课。 讲题范围则为“在生活的小细节上常常感谢天主”和“在科技发达的世纪里做主的孩子”。

b. 家长讲座

为了建立更亲密的亲子关系, 父母的参与是不能缺少的。讲题则为“如何在学生的功课及活动与信仰做出选择,促使学生身心灵的发展”。我们将邀请神父与家庭事功股的代表针对主题给予分享。这能让神父与家长商讨如何以正确的方式来教导孩子、如何在小动作上让孩子得到爱的启发及最重要的是鼓励家长在家里一起读圣言、参与弥撒及教会的活动。与此同时,我们也会来个亲子活动,让家长与同学建立更好的互动。

6. 感恩夜


7. 心与心交流

这属于一种分享。 这能让学生们跟认识对方, 学习聆听和尊敬每个人的感受。

8. 学生表演

各组将会有不同的题目,例如:喜剧、戏剧、广告、舞蹈及绕口令,呈现在舞台上。 这将会在第2天的今夜星光灿烂表演。

9. 展览


Monday, February 22, 2010

CNY Group Visiting 大团拜


A Very Happy New Year to everyone.

On that very fine day, we started off early in the morning with our plans of visiting. All of us were excited and looking forward for our visits but to our surprise there were some of us still having a sleepy face and yawning because they retired late and woke up early. The first house we visited was Dominic's house and that was the first house to receive 'angpau' which made us more enthusiastic.

It was hilarious when photo session was on, because some of them were making funny posing ''shock sendiri''. We went to Juliana's house, Magdalene's house, then to Joyna and Joleen's house, next was Valerie's, Justina's, then we settled down at Patrick's house for lunch. Although we already had lunch, 'angpau' was still not forfeited.

Time schedule was rather tight and thank God that we had Paul the ''Usherer''. There were many houses that we had to go thus we did quick visits. The afternoon session started with the houses of Veronica, Theresa Ng, Theresa Tan, Theresa See, Janet, Josephine, Irene and Dominic Yong. It was great fun to have all these people around with all kinds of characters.

Every house we visited we would make sure that it was a pleasant visit with a good shout of ''HUAT'' ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Prosperity)

But it was just too bad that we missed the houses of Peter, Andrew, Jenniher, Paul and Kevin. Perhaps we will complete their houses in the next visit because we were rushing for the Ash Wednesday mass.

Adios....Gong Xi Fa Cai....!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

BEC 基信团


8.30pm, Dominic Ng's house
Small communities of Christian gathered around the Word of God.

BECs are an integral structure of Catholic Church life in M'sia and have been going for about 20 years. These are neighborhood based group where the ideal size would be bout 10 families.

BECs are supposed to meet once a month on a Wednesday evening. This time we were all invited by Dominic Ng to a BEC gathering at his house. Some of our members did attend for this gathering. Typical sessions begin with a hymnal sing along and then we went through a reflection paper (bible passage). There is a sharing on it.

After reflection, there will be discussions on chapel events and any issues that may be raised. Finally, there are usually refreshments and fellowship. The fellowship is the "high point" of the gathering as we get to know each other and relationships are developed and friendship bloom. It was great!

Here is some of our CDF members!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jogging! 跑步去咯!


6.00pm, Stadium Tun Fatimah
Wohoo! after 1 week we meet again!
Guess what have we been for our reunion? Yah, that's rite! We've been Stadium Tun Fatimah for jogging together. It sounds fun, rite? Indeed, we had lots of fun there. xD

We met up there at 6pm. Unexpectedly, there was a crowd of people in the stadium and most of them was dressed in red. They were there together to do aerobics. At first, we were trying to follow them as well. But, know what? The tempo is too fast and we were all unable to follow up with them though most of them are older than us. Sigh~ it looks we gotta pull our socks up!

Finally, we gave up and were jogging around the field. The sport field is tolerably extensive! By the way, we were enjoying the beauty of nature while jogging around. It feels pretty good! ^^
Fr Joseph has promised to join us for jogging but he didn't appear himself there and we were all wondering why is he taking so long to come. We got a call from him shortly after we discussed about that and knew that one of the sister that service in our church has had a traffic accident. We were felt so sorry to hear about that and Fr Joseph was on his way to visit her in the hospital. Anyhow, father promised he will join us for dinner later.
At around 7.30pm, we were all tired after jogging yet felt fresh! Of course, we took many of our picture there and also group photo before we leave. Know what? everyone was starving and ready for dinner after sport! We all had decided to go to Newton food court for our dinner. Fr Joseph finally met us up there. We were all entertained by his humorous stories while having our dinner. Every1 was burst into laughter! xD.. No doubt, we were really enjoying! Yes, it was a happy time!^^
After finished our dinner, we said our good-bye! Well, then, we'll get together another time!

上星期六傍晚六时,我们探索团契齐聚到Stadium Tun Fatimah 跑步。抵达那儿时我们并没直接进行活动,因为当时我们看到一班身穿红色T-恤, 不分男女、老少和种族,一起跳韵律操。当时真的觉得他们的服装好有新年气氛喔,此画面也显现出首相所提出的一个马来西亚的概念。当时的我们早已被此画面深 深地吸引着。我们大家便不约而同地跟随他们的脚步及动作跳起来。相信大家很久都没有接触这类式的运动,所以跳起来有点僵硬,哈哈。。。


跑了一圈回到原点时,大家都已精疲力尽。刚才进行的韵律操早已结束,而眼前正进行的活动是跳Cha cha.音乐响起或许大家都受不住那轻快音乐的诱惑,因此便加入他们当中。大家跟随着一位安娣的脚步学跳起来。虽然大家会跳错舞步,偶尔还会不小心踩到对方的脚,但大家还是乐在其中。



Monday, February 1, 2010

Reunion Gathering 团圆集会


12.00pm, Catholic Primary School canteen

The largest and noisiest group of people in the canteen are non other than US! Can't blame anyone because this gathering is gonna be a blast! Veronica and Valerie were finally among us after weeks of non-stop posting on FB, Sr. Clara was also joining us in this gathering, off course no one missed out Bro. Eddie. We gathered and chatted while waiting for the others to arrive. Then, it's lunch time! The food was prepared by the canteen in buffet style, we had curry chicken, vegetables, tauhu, fried chicken etc. Note: the curry was nice but extremely HOT! Fr. Joseph Heng also joined us for lunch and chatted with us for sometime. Then, we're planning on our after-lunch activities. Karaoke? Shopping? CDD gardening? We ended up having durian cendol at Dataran Pahlawan. Although it's another sit and chat activity, but we had fun by laughing and goofing around. And, the durian cendol was yummy~At around 4.30pm, we took one final shot and said our goodbyes.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Proposal Formation 天主教探索团契正式成立


10.30am, Canossian Convent

Attendees :
Bishop Paul Tan, Fr. Joseph Heng, Fr. Thomas Koo, Fr. Ryan, Bro. Eddie, Bro. Joachim, Sr. Myriam Heng, Sr. Clara Lee, Sr. Marian Lim, Sr. Theresa Chay, Sr. Veronica, Andrew Tan, Jennniher Yong, Paul Foo, Dominic Yong, Fabian Thong

Discussion :
Formation of CDF and proposal presentation

Result :
CDF is approved by the Malacca-Johor Diocesan and is operating under STC, Malacca!

一切光荣都归于我们天上的大父!在的眷顾与引领下,天主教探索团契终于在主教的首肯与圣召局(Vocation Promotional Council)的通过下正式成立了!



RIP - Maria 安息主怀


8.30pm, Janet Ng's house

We visited Janet's house to pay our last respect to her grandmother, who passed away 2 days ago. After a simple prayer, we gather around and chatted with Janet. It was truly a loss for Maria's family and friends, but as we know, Maria is back to her Creator's side in reunion with God. According to Janet, she was very close to her grandmother as she grew up with her. Maria's presence among us will be missed dearly, for now and ever, Rest In Peace, dear Maria.


听说,年杪特别多人去世(天上有看农历的吗?),原因是天上要close account了。。。当时,我还真信以为真。。。外婆在不久前才与世长辞,听闻玉璇婆婆也百年归老了,心里不禁一阵唏嘘。。。






Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jenniher's B'day Party 婷婷生日会


8.00pm, Harbour Club
Happy 21st Birthday, Jenniher!!! Most of the people will say that 21 years old is the time of freedom, time to fly with our own wings, time to decide on our own regarding our future and to escape from our parents of over controlling (ha..joking) of course with the guidance of our lovely parents. Well, it's true.

This gathering is indeed a great opportunity for CDF members to create a bond among each other and to have the feeling of one family. One for all, all for one. Most of the members were present on that day and also our charming Fr. Joseph Heng who had represented us to give the present to Jenniher. She looked stunning and gorgeous in the black dress and always with a sweet smile.

It was a windy night as we were close to the sea. Some of the members missed the delicious food and the reason was that they were lost in Malacca and they actually had been trying hard to look for the place for about one hour. This was really hilarious. Staying in Malacca for such a long time but still could get lost.All of us gathered at one table and tried to squeeze a little bit because there were too many of us in one little small table. We chit chat, laughing and some of the members were making all sorts of funny action especially dominic yong.'s actually a compliment. That's all.

May God bless all of us.


#祝你生日快~~乐~~~~# 歌声此起彼落,参差不齐,却是来自于CDF团员们最真挚的祝福~~(似乎没啥诚意??非也非也~咱CDF成立没多久,虽说默契有待改进,但这一次的小小合唱,是团结的开始哦~~主爱的团员们,加油!!!感谢Jenniher为我们制造了团聚的机会!谢谢!!)

哦~焦点回到Jenniher。。哈哈。。Hey Jenniher~我们的祝福,都好好收藏了吗?看你当晚露背V领高跟鞋,忍不住在心中疾呼:“吾家有女初长成~~”哈哈。。希望你在这新的阶段,新的里程碑,能在主爱的呵护下,勇敢的飞翔!!






Self-Discovery Camp 自我探索生活营


Plentong, JB

This is our story and the birth of this wonderful fellowship~

At the 2nd January of the year 2010, we arrived at MAJODI Centre for the annual Self-Discovery Camp. Back then, we hardly know each other even though we came from the same parish, because most of us attended mass at different time on Sundays. So this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us to get to know each other. BUT, our main objective off course, is to get to know ourselves better, in order to discover our role in God's plans.

During this long 7-days camp, we were lead by excellent and fully experienced priests, nuns and brothers from the Melaka-Johore diocese, they are Rev. Fr. Joseph Heng from STC Melaka, Fr. Thomas Koo from CDD, Fr. Paul Wong from CIC Johore, Fr. Ryan, Fr. Cyril, Brother Eddie, Sr. Theresa Chay from CSCM, Sr. Josephine Thong, Sr. Marian Lim from SDS, Sr. Clara Lee from FMDM and Sr. Myriam Heng. They are here to lead us as well as to guide and show us their life in God. In order for us young guys and gals to observe, remember and interpret all the activities that we have experienced, we were each given a note book as a 24/7 journal, so that we could write down whatever we heard and saw. And this effort turned out to be very fruitful as all of us gained experiences not only from the activities but from our connection with God as well.

1st day (02/01/2010) ~

We arrived at Johore in different ways : by bus and by car. Those who went by bus arrived at Johore Central at approximately 4.30pm. Upon our arrival, we were then sent to MAJODI Centre by Sister Chay and a helpful parishioner buy car. While everyone arrived, we unpacked our stuffs in the dormitory and prepared for the 6.00pm. evening mass. It was awkward for everyone at first to have to blend into each others presence while not knowing each other. That's why we have a self introduction after mass before dinner. We warmed up to each other pretty quickly after that, especially after dining with the other youths. The first seed of self-discovering was planted then. After our first tasty dinner in MAJODI, day one came to an end.

2nd day (03/01/2010) ~ (this is one of the most interesting day)

It was 6.00am. in the morning, most of us were still asleep. Then, Paul's voice rang through the whole dormitory which woke us up abruptly! We got up, brushed up ourselves, got dressed and fully ready to start a whole new day at MAJODI. The morning mass started at 8.00am. sharp and everyone was freshened by the early morning in-touch with God. The mass was held in St. Joseph Church, which is a short walk away from MAJODI Centre. The excitement started after breakfast, when Fr. Heng announced that today is our "Le Tour de Johore", which is a Johore one day trip!The trip was well planned by the committee, 6 cars from kindly parishioners were arranged as our ride for the trip, we even have our own tour guide, Mr. James. Our first destination was CIC, Johore. When we arrived, the Sunday mass was still half way on, so we waited for it to end while admiring the church's state-of-the-art structure which gave us the feeling of going back in time. After Fr. Paul Wong finished the mass, we have a short chat with him while updating him on our current activity. Fr. Paul then gave us permission for a short tour up in the bell tower. It was our very first time up onto such a classical bell tower, just the long climb up the tower filled us with the heavy age of the place. There were four bells with different sizes in the tower, they serve different purposes too. After visiting CIC, our next destination is one of Johore's oldest Chinese temple. We had a short tour there and listened to a brief history of the temple from Mr. James. The temple was one of the earliest shrine for the Chinese who arrived in Malaya during the British ruling era. Next, we went to the largest Islamic funeral site in Johor,e where the late Sultans of Johore are buried from generation to generation. Then, we were given a tour at the beautiful Masjid Abu Bakar, one of the largest mosque. The view from the mosque was breath-taking. We got an excellent view of the Malacca Strait. Finally, it's lunch time! We had the most wonderful 'hot' lunch, treated by Mr. James, it was the famous JLN. Kolam Air Laksa. One word, DELICIOUS! Next, we were taken for a tour in NUSAJAYA's Puteri Harbour City. Then, we headed to Ledang Heights for a brief introduction on the NUSAJAYA Project. Last but not least, we visited Sacred Heart Church. We were free to walk around the church and see for ourselves the chuch's interior. After that, we head back to MAJODI Center, where our journey ended.

3rd day (04/01/2010) ~

Our daily mass started at 7.15am. The mass was held in English as we have English group youths joining as well. Then, we had our usual morning breakfast. 9.00am. was our first session of the day. This session was by Sr. Chay, and some of us might prefer to call her Sr. "ger ger" Chay. At the starting of the session, she taught us 2 simple but unusually touching songs, which really deepened our knowledge about ourselves. 2 simple games was played during the session, he first game was the 'Game Of Trust',where one person will totally relax himself and trust his friends from preventing to drop him onto the cold, hard floor. The other game was the "Game of Self Decision', a person must made his way blindfolded through a maze of other people's valuable items (or so he thought) without stepping onto any of them, while the others will guide the person in succeeding the mission.
So, it depends on the blinded person to decide whether the others were giving him the right direction or he rather trust his own instincts. After these exciting games, Sr. Chay was presenting us a special present each as she had promised at the beginning of the session. The present she had brought was in a small pink box, which triggered our curiosity even more. We stood up one by one to look into the box. The reactions of the people after looking into the box was completely different, some cried, some smiled, some just stoned their faces. Because the first thing everyone saw in the box were their own reflection, reflected off a small mirror inside the box...This is our gift, a gift from God, as he made us as one and only one unique individual on Earth, there's no one like yourself!

4th day (05/01/2010) ~

Today, our mass started as usual and after having breakfast, our first session started. It was Fr. Heng's session, which everyone almost caught his craziness after the session. "fate", "origin" and "unity" was the theme of the day. We were divided into four groups for a presentation: your opinion of what's God's purpose of sending us to Earth. We were supposed to convey our idea onto paper and present it in front of the others. After having it done, we presented our ideas while Fr. Heng acted as the judge for the activity. Through this sharing, we see other people's opinion on the matter and it really gave us the chance to learn from others. The next session was hosted by Fr. Paul Wong. He promised that he wouldn't let us fall asleep during his session and he succeeded at doing it! We danced and sang to warm ourselves up and it certainly worked out well enough. From Fr. Paul's sharing, we learned to encourage and appreciate others. Clap, Clap, Clap...GOOD! At about 5.00pm. in the evening, we were given time for outdoor activities such as playing badminton, ping pong, volley ball, Frisbee, games, and football. It was the time for exercise. At night, after dinner, it's movie time! We watched a movie entitled "Mission To Love" which is about a priest named Don Bosco on his journey to love and care for the street boys who felt themselves unwanted and abounded. Anyway, we only watched half the movie as time drawed towards night prayer and bed time.

5th day (06/01/2010) ~

There were at least 16 priests, nuns and brothers from the Malacca-Johore diocesan visited us today as there was a very cool and meaningful event being held here.

It's called the 'Ultimate Q&A' session. All camp members had the chance to ask any questions to any priest at all and getting a life feedback from them. It was a great opportunity for us to clear our doubts about our catholic community. After the session, some priests and nuns shared their vocation story with us, of their history of how they came to be a priest or nun. In the evening, we got to continue watching the movie "Mission To Love".

6th day (07/01/2010) ~

The best thing about this camp is, we don't only have activities inside the camp site, but we got the chance to go beyond the camping grounds for more actions as well. After nearly 1 and a half hour drive from MAJODI Center, we arrived at the supposed to be mysterious destination for our outing ----> the famous Desaru Beach of Johore. Since is was raining, we had our afternoon mass inside the Desaru Beach Resort's conference room. Then, we enjoyed our simple lunch of nasi lemak at the pool side. It was a perfect relaxation for all of us, the gentle sea breeze brushing our hairs, the sweet rhythmic melody of the sea, the warm rays of sunshine after the drizzle...When lunch ended, the real fun began!! Rushing towards the sea, jumping, yelping and holding each other, were us. Everyone was having real fun! Yu Liang snapped his camera like mad, Fr. Heng being more of a monkey than he usually did, Sr. Chay decided to jump into a sandy hole, Anna was nearly buried alive, Paul got his chance of posing by the beach (sadly he's not wearing bikini though), some girls outwitted Ah Tiam in the jumping competition, Meng Keong found some seaweeds for dinner, Sr. Clara got her sea water therapy and Fabian decided to entertain himself by knocking his head into the hotel's glass window! We got back to MAJODI Center at around 5pm. Nobody was wasting time resting, as we have to prepare ourselves for the night's talent show. There were 4 groups performing dramas, themed 'Jesus in Parliament', 'Jesus in The Market Place', 'Jesus With The Women', 'Jesus Performing Miracle in the 21st Century'. There were also Indian dances performed by the brothers and sisters from the Tamil and english group. It was a wonderful and eventful day which left us with the most memory.

7th day (08/01/2010) ~

It's almost midnight and none of us seems to want to go to bed! So, to spend the last night in camp, we came up with our own plan. Ah Tiam turned 18 today and he can't get away without us giving him a little celebration. We had a small party, mostly eating, drinking and chatting while reviewing the photos we have taken during the past days in camp. At around 4.00am. at dawn, people began dozing off and finally we went to bed. The next morning was full of unspoken emotions, although everyone was putting up their usual bright faces, but we can't deny that our hearts felt dragged down when thinking of our parting. But time and tide waits for no man, our final half day at MAJODI ended incredebly fast. We had our usual morning prayer *flash* it's time for breakfast *flash* Bishop's discernment *flash* group evaluation and sharing session *flash* last mass in MAJODI *flash* lunch *flash* we were loading our bags into the cars...all hugs but no tears, because we know deeply in our hearts that it's only the beggining for us, our new discovered selves to serve the Lord our God!

Introduction 简介

- EverReady to serve everybody

- LIGHT of the world

1) Love
2) Incentive
3) Guide
4) Hope
5) Train

- Become a well-formed Catholic Discovery Ministry in Malaysia

- To bring and spread the God's love
- Caring for social welfare
- To lead a better life
- Never give up to grow in hope
- To train and nurture future leaders

Organization Structure

Spiritual Advisor
- Rev. Fr. Joseph Heng
- Bro. Eddie
- Sr. Elizabeth

- Andrew Tan Kok Siang

Asst. Leader
- Paul Foo Sin Inn

- Jenniher Yong Ting Ting

Asst. Secretary
- Theresa Tan Wan Chin

- Dominic Yong Tze Wei

- Joleena Ang Li Shi

Multimedia Designer & Marketing
- Theresa Ng Lek Wei (L)
- Irene Lee Wan Ru
- Fabian Thong Siang Yee

- Kevin Lim Yu Liang (L)
- Justina Lee Shuk Huey
- Simon Lim Si Loong

- Dominic Ng Swee Tiam (L)
- Juliana Tang Soo Foon (M)
- Magdalene Kang Chiew Juan (M)
- Janet Ng Yu Shian (E)
- Joyna Ang Li Chi (E)

- Peter See Yew Boon (L)
- Joseph Ng Jiun Zheng
- Patrick Foo Meng Keong
- Josephine Ng Hui Fen
- Theresa See Chai Fern
- Veronica Ong Yin Fong
- Valerie Ong Yi Hui

- Peter Tan Yi Zhong (L)


1. Praise and worship service
2. Sport
3. Social services
4. Messaging and forwarding God words
5. Praying and fasting
6. Bible sharing
7. Life Sharing
8. Camp
9. Traveling
10. Christmas caroling – target non Catholic or non Christian