Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jenniher's B'day Party 婷婷生日会


8.00pm, Harbour Club
Happy 21st Birthday, Jenniher!!! Most of the people will say that 21 years old is the time of freedom, time to fly with our own wings, time to decide on our own regarding our future and to escape from our parents of over controlling (ha..joking) of course with the guidance of our lovely parents. Well, it's true.

This gathering is indeed a great opportunity for CDF members to create a bond among each other and to have the feeling of one family. One for all, all for one. Most of the members were present on that day and also our charming Fr. Joseph Heng who had represented us to give the present to Jenniher. She looked stunning and gorgeous in the black dress and always with a sweet smile.

It was a windy night as we were close to the sea. Some of the members missed the delicious food and the reason was that they were lost in Malacca and they actually had been trying hard to look for the place for about one hour. This was really hilarious. Staying in Malacca for such a long time but still could get lost.All of us gathered at one table and tried to squeeze a little bit because there were too many of us in one little small table. We chit chat, laughing and some of the members were making all sorts of funny action especially dominic yong.'s actually a compliment. That's all.

May God bless all of us.


#祝你生日快~~乐~~~~# 歌声此起彼落,参差不齐,却是来自于CDF团员们最真挚的祝福~~(似乎没啥诚意??非也非也~咱CDF成立没多久,虽说默契有待改进,但这一次的小小合唱,是团结的开始哦~~主爱的团员们,加油!!!感谢Jenniher为我们制造了团聚的机会!谢谢!!)

哦~焦点回到Jenniher。。哈哈。。Hey Jenniher~我们的祝福,都好好收藏了吗?看你当晚露背V领高跟鞋,忍不住在心中疾呼:“吾家有女初长成~~”哈哈。。希望你在这新的阶段,新的里程碑,能在主爱的呵护下,勇敢的飞翔!!






1 comment:

shian427 said...

i like dis story indeed! thx for sharing!