Monday, February 22, 2010

CNY Group Visiting 大团拜


A Very Happy New Year to everyone.

On that very fine day, we started off early in the morning with our plans of visiting. All of us were excited and looking forward for our visits but to our surprise there were some of us still having a sleepy face and yawning because they retired late and woke up early. The first house we visited was Dominic's house and that was the first house to receive 'angpau' which made us more enthusiastic.

It was hilarious when photo session was on, because some of them were making funny posing ''shock sendiri''. We went to Juliana's house, Magdalene's house, then to Joyna and Joleen's house, next was Valerie's, Justina's, then we settled down at Patrick's house for lunch. Although we already had lunch, 'angpau' was still not forfeited.

Time schedule was rather tight and thank God that we had Paul the ''Usherer''. There were many houses that we had to go thus we did quick visits. The afternoon session started with the houses of Veronica, Theresa Ng, Theresa Tan, Theresa See, Janet, Josephine, Irene and Dominic Yong. It was great fun to have all these people around with all kinds of characters.

Every house we visited we would make sure that it was a pleasant visit with a good shout of ''HUAT'' ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Prosperity)

But it was just too bad that we missed the houses of Peter, Andrew, Jenniher, Paul and Kevin. Perhaps we will complete their houses in the next visit because we were rushing for the Ash Wednesday mass.

Adios....Gong Xi Fa Cai....!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

BEC 基信团


8.30pm, Dominic Ng's house
Small communities of Christian gathered around the Word of God.

BECs are an integral structure of Catholic Church life in M'sia and have been going for about 20 years. These are neighborhood based group where the ideal size would be bout 10 families.

BECs are supposed to meet once a month on a Wednesday evening. This time we were all invited by Dominic Ng to a BEC gathering at his house. Some of our members did attend for this gathering. Typical sessions begin with a hymnal sing along and then we went through a reflection paper (bible passage). There is a sharing on it.

After reflection, there will be discussions on chapel events and any issues that may be raised. Finally, there are usually refreshments and fellowship. The fellowship is the "high point" of the gathering as we get to know each other and relationships are developed and friendship bloom. It was great!

Here is some of our CDF members!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jogging! 跑步去咯!


6.00pm, Stadium Tun Fatimah
Wohoo! after 1 week we meet again!
Guess what have we been for our reunion? Yah, that's rite! We've been Stadium Tun Fatimah for jogging together. It sounds fun, rite? Indeed, we had lots of fun there. xD

We met up there at 6pm. Unexpectedly, there was a crowd of people in the stadium and most of them was dressed in red. They were there together to do aerobics. At first, we were trying to follow them as well. But, know what? The tempo is too fast and we were all unable to follow up with them though most of them are older than us. Sigh~ it looks we gotta pull our socks up!

Finally, we gave up and were jogging around the field. The sport field is tolerably extensive! By the way, we were enjoying the beauty of nature while jogging around. It feels pretty good! ^^
Fr Joseph has promised to join us for jogging but he didn't appear himself there and we were all wondering why is he taking so long to come. We got a call from him shortly after we discussed about that and knew that one of the sister that service in our church has had a traffic accident. We were felt so sorry to hear about that and Fr Joseph was on his way to visit her in the hospital. Anyhow, father promised he will join us for dinner later.
At around 7.30pm, we were all tired after jogging yet felt fresh! Of course, we took many of our picture there and also group photo before we leave. Know what? everyone was starving and ready for dinner after sport! We all had decided to go to Newton food court for our dinner. Fr Joseph finally met us up there. We were all entertained by his humorous stories while having our dinner. Every1 was burst into laughter! xD.. No doubt, we were really enjoying! Yes, it was a happy time!^^
After finished our dinner, we said our good-bye! Well, then, we'll get together another time!

上星期六傍晚六时,我们探索团契齐聚到Stadium Tun Fatimah 跑步。抵达那儿时我们并没直接进行活动,因为当时我们看到一班身穿红色T-恤, 不分男女、老少和种族,一起跳韵律操。当时真的觉得他们的服装好有新年气氛喔,此画面也显现出首相所提出的一个马来西亚的概念。当时的我们早已被此画面深 深地吸引着。我们大家便不约而同地跟随他们的脚步及动作跳起来。相信大家很久都没有接触这类式的运动,所以跳起来有点僵硬,哈哈。。。


跑了一圈回到原点时,大家都已精疲力尽。刚才进行的韵律操早已结束,而眼前正进行的活动是跳Cha cha.音乐响起或许大家都受不住那轻快音乐的诱惑,因此便加入他们当中。大家跟随着一位安娣的脚步学跳起来。虽然大家会跳错舞步,偶尔还会不小心踩到对方的脚,但大家还是乐在其中。



Monday, February 1, 2010

Reunion Gathering 团圆集会


12.00pm, Catholic Primary School canteen

The largest and noisiest group of people in the canteen are non other than US! Can't blame anyone because this gathering is gonna be a blast! Veronica and Valerie were finally among us after weeks of non-stop posting on FB, Sr. Clara was also joining us in this gathering, off course no one missed out Bro. Eddie. We gathered and chatted while waiting for the others to arrive. Then, it's lunch time! The food was prepared by the canteen in buffet style, we had curry chicken, vegetables, tauhu, fried chicken etc. Note: the curry was nice but extremely HOT! Fr. Joseph Heng also joined us for lunch and chatted with us for sometime. Then, we're planning on our after-lunch activities. Karaoke? Shopping? CDD gardening? We ended up having durian cendol at Dataran Pahlawan. Although it's another sit and chat activity, but we had fun by laughing and goofing around. And, the durian cendol was yummy~At around 4.30pm, we took one final shot and said our goodbyes.